Andrew Milad

Andrew is 16 years old and is playing the piano for 7 years. He likes classical music as he thinks that it is the richest music ever in terms of technique, harmony and rhythm. Moreover, he has no doubt that classical music has the roots to most of todays’ modern music genres.

Ahmed Ali Rahim

Ahmed is 16 years old and is playing the piano for 10 years. He loves classical music in playing or listening. The picture is showing him on the stage playing a piano concert in the Alexandria Opera House.

Mahmoud Elbatran

Mahmoud is 18 years old and playing the piano for 6 years. He would choose classic music above any other music. He likes it as it has a lot of variety in keys, melodies and dynamics. Classic music is for Mahmoud also the foundation of what our modern music is based on, so it is without doubt that we can expect it to continue to remain important for centuries to come.

Ziad Walid

Ziad is years old and playing piano for 8 years now. He loves classic music above all and is feeling closer to himself when playing it. He has the feeling that classic music is natural in him.

Shahd Magdy

Shahd has been playing piano for more than 9 years. In her opinion, classical music can simply convey emotions and experiences in ways that words simply cannot. Not to mention the fact that classical music has a huge impact on fighting depression, boosting memory and most importantly relieving stress levels.